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Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Michael R. Morris to Co-Chair 2014 CalCPA Entertainment Industry Conference

Valensi Rose partner, Michael R. Morris, will co-Chair the upcoming 2014 Entertainment Industry Conference presented by CalCPA.  The annual event, held this year on June 19, 2014 at the Hyatt Regency Century City, highlights recent changes in the entertainment industry and provides expert advice and guidance for CPAs and other industry professionals.

In addition to his co-Chair duties, Mr. Morris is also moderating the “Music Industry Update” panel.  The high-powered panel includes Richard Busch, Esq. (King & Ballow), Larry Blake (Concord Music Group, Inc.), D. A. Wallach (Spotify), and Steve Winogradsky, Esq. (Winogradsky/Sobel). Mr. Morris will lead a discussion on licensing vs. sales and digital music royalties.

For more information and to register for the event, click here.

Friday, May 9, 2014

Insurance Adjuster Liable for Misrepresentation

When a large tree fell onto the insureds' property and damaged their home, they did what any other homeowners would do - they called their insurance company.  The insurance company, Travelers, sent out an adjuster who took some photos and told the insureds that their policy did not pay for cleanup.  Though they asked for another adjuster, Travelers refused to appoint one.  Based upon the adjuster's representations to them, the insureds paid to clean up the mess themselves.  They then sued the adjuster for misrepresentation on the theory that they relied upon the adjuster in spending their own money to clean up the damage.  The insurer argued that an adjuster could never be sued individually for misrepresentation in the course and scope of his employment.  The trial court agreed, but the appellate court reversed finding that an adjuster who misrepresents the terms of an insureds' policy to their detriment can indeed sue the adjuster individually for misrepresentation.